CircleCI to GitHub Actions
I decided to switch the CI/CD pipeline of this blog from CircleCI to Github Actions just for fun. It’s overkill to have a CI/CD setup for a blog (and to use Kubernetes). I tried it just to play around a bit with GH Actions and Kubernetes. One of the most obvious advantages of Github Actions is tight integration with Github. If nothing else, it’s nice just to have your repository and CI/CD together on one platform.
My Github Actions Workflow:
For pushes to all branches
- Run tests & upload coverage reports to CodeCov
- Build & push a docker image (tagged with reference to branch name for use in local development)
For pushes to the master
and develop
- Deploy to kubernetes cluster, either staging or production, using helm
This is the CircleCI configuration file that defines the CI/CD pipeline I ported to Github Actions
version: 2 jobs: test: docker: - image: circleci/golang:1.12 working_directory: /go/src/myblog steps: - checkout #checks out the source code to working directory - run: name: Run E2E tests command: go test ./... -coverprofile=coverage.txt -covermode=atomic -coverpkg=myblog/app - run: name: Upload coverage report to codecov command: bash <(curl -s build_and_deploy: docker: - image: cflynnus/google-cloud-sdk-helm:v1 environment: - PROJECT_NAME: "blog" - GOOGLE_PROJECT_ID: "blog-44444" - GOOGLE_COMPUTE_ZONE: "us-central1-b" - GOOGLE_CLUSTER_NAME: "blog-cluster" steps: - checkout - run: name: Setup Google Cloud SDK command: | apt-get install -qq -y gettext echo $GCLOUD_SERVICE_KEY > ${HOME}/gcloud-service-key.json gcloud auth activate-service-account --key-file=${HOME}/gcloud-service-key.json gcloud --quiet config set project ${GOOGLE_PROJECT_ID} gcloud --quiet config set compute/zone ${GOOGLE_COMPUTE_ZONE} gcloud --quiet container clusters get-credentials ${GOOGLE_CLUSTER_NAME} - setup_remote_docker - run: name: Docker build and push command: | echo $DOCKER_HUB_PASSWORD | docker login --username cflynnus --password-stdin docker build -t cflynnus/blog:${CIRCLE_BRANCH}-${CIRCLE_SHA1} . docker push cflynnus/blog:${CIRCLE_BRANCH}-${CIRCLE_SHA1} docker tag cflynnus/blog:${CIRCLE_BRANCH}-${CIRCLE_SHA1} cflynnus/blog:latest docker push cflynnus/blog:latest - run: name: Deploy to Kubernetes command: | if [[ "$CIRCLE_BRANCH" == "develop" ]]; then helm upgrade --install blog --reuse-values --debug \ --set develop_image=cflynnus/blog:${CIRCLE_BRANCH}-${CIRCLE_SHA1} \ ./helm elif [[ "$CIRCLE_BRANCH" == "master" ]]; then helm upgrade --install blog --reuse-values --debug \ --set master_image=cflynnus/blog:${CIRCLE_BRANCH}-${CIRCLE_SHA1} \ ./helm fi kubectl rollout status deployment/${PROJECT_NAME}-${CIRCLE_BRANCH}-app workflows: version: 2 build_test_deploy: jobs: - test - build_and_deploy: requires: - test filters: branches: only: - develop - master
Pretty simple. It has two jobs, test
and build_and_deploy
runs conditionally on the test
job completing
successfully. $GCLOUD_SERVICE_KEY
are “secrets”
that are stored and encrypted with CircleCI.
And after some hacking around, here’s the solution I came up with for Github Actions.
name: Test, Build and Deploy on: [push] jobs: test: name: Test runs-on: ubuntu-latest steps: - name: Checkout uses: actions/checkout@master - name: Test uses: cedrickring/golang-action/[email protected] with: args: go test ./... -coverprofile=coverage.txt -covermode=atomic -coverpkg=myblog/app env: GO111MODULE: on GOFLAGS: -mod=vendor - name: Upload Coverage to CodeCov run: curl -s | bash -s -- -t ${{secrets.CODECOV_TOKEN}} -f ./coverage.txt build_and_push_image: name: Build and Push Image runs-on: ubuntu-latest needs: test steps: - name: Checkout uses: actions/checkout@master - name: Set Envs # | ::set-env explanation # Bit of non-dry code here, also copied to the "Deploy" job to calculate ENVs # run: | BRANCH_NAME="`echo $GITHUB_REF | awk -F'/' '{print $3}'`"; IMAGE_TAG_NAME="cflynnus/blog:$BRANCH_NAME-$GITHUB_SHA"; echo "::set-env name=IMAGE_TAG_NAME::$IMAGE_TAG_NAME"; - name: Docker Login, Build, Tag and Push run: | echo "${{secrets.DOCKER_PASSWORD}}" | docker login -u ${{secrets.DOCKER_USERNAME}} --password-stdin; docker build . --file Dockerfile -t "$IMAGE_TAG_NAME"; docker tag "$IMAGE_TAG_NAME" cflynnus/blog:latest; docker push "$IMAGE_TAG_NAME"; docker push cflynnus/blog:latest; deploy: name: Deploy runs-on: ubuntu-latest needs: build_and_push_image if: github.ref == 'refs/heads/develop' || github.ref == 'refs/heads/master' steps: - name: Checkout uses: actions/checkout@master - name: Set Envs & Install helm3 Client # | ::set-env explanation # Bit of non-dry code here, also copied to the "Deploy to Staging" job to calculate ENVs # run: | BRANCH_NAME="`echo $GITHUB_REF | awk -F'/' '{print $3}'`"; IMAGE_TAG_NAME="cflynnus/blog:$BRANCH_NAME-$GITHUB_SHA"; HELM_3_FILE="helm-v3.0.0-linux-amd64.tar.gz"; HELM_URL="$HELM_3_FILE"; curl -Ls "$HELM_URL" | tar xvz; mkdir -p "$GITHUB_WORKSPACE/bin"; mv linux-amd64/helm "$GITHUB_WORKSPACE/bin/helm3"; echo "::add-path::$GITHUB_WORKSPACE/bin"; echo "::set-env name=BRANCH_NAME::$BRANCH_NAME"; echo "::set-env name=IMAGE_TAG_NAME::$IMAGE_TAG_NAME"; - name: Install gcloud cli uses: GoogleCloudPlatform/github-actions/setup-gcloud@master with: version: '270.0.0' service_account_email: ${{ secrets.GCLOUD_SA_EMAIL }} service_account_key: ${{ secrets.GCLOUD_SA_KEY }} - name: gcloud configure run: | gcloud config set project ${{secrets.GCLOUD_PROJECT_ID}}; gcloud config set compute/zone ${{secrets.GCLOUD_COMPUTE_ZONE}}; gcloud container clusters get-credentials ${{secrets.GCLOUD_CLUSTER_NAME}}; - name: Deploy run: | overrides=( "image=$IMAGE_TAG_NAME" "deployment_sha=$GITHUB_SHA" "deployment_time=`TZ=Asia/Taipei date`" ) overrides=$(for i in "${overrides[@]}"; do if [[ $BRANCH_NAME == "master" ]]; then echo -n "master_$i,"; elif [[ $BRANCH_NAME == "develop" ]]; then echo -n "develop_$i,"; fi done) overrides=${overrides:0:${#overrides}-1} echo "$overrides" helm3 upgrade blog ./helm \ --install \ --debug \ --reuse-values \ --set-string "$overrides" - name: Rollout Status run: kubectl rollout status "deployment/blog-$BRANCH_NAME-app"
My Github Action has 1 workflow that contains 3 jobs.
The first job test
runs on a push event to any branch. It runs the tests,
generates coverage reports, and uploads those reports to the CodeCov service.
The second job build_and_push_image
runs on a push event to any branch but
only if the test
job completes successfully. The job builds a docker image
and tags it with a few custom tags based on the branch name and commit SHA. These
tags are pushed to the remote docker registry.
The last job deploy
runs a push event to either the master
or develop
branches and only if the build_and_push_image
completes successfully
(implicitly requiring the test
job to complete successfully). This job is the
most complex. Github’s hosted runners have many tools and packages
pre-installed. I use helm3 to deploy this blog and as of Jan 2020 the hosted
runners only have the helm2 client pre-installed. I looked around for a custom
action I could use to easily get helm3 installed in the PATH of my runner but I
couldn’t find one. I took a stab at creating my own action
cflynn07/gha-helm3 but decided it more
simple to just install helm3 as a step. I also wanted to compute some values
and use those in later steps so I used the ::set-env
development tool to set
environment variables for subsequent jobs.
- name: Set Envs & Install Helm3 Client # | ::set-env explanation # Bit of non-dry code here, also copied to the "Deploy to Staging" job to calculate ENVs # run: | BRANCH_NAME="`echo $GITHUB_REF | awk -F'/' '{print $3}'`"; IMAGE_TAG_NAME="cflynnus/blog:$BRANCH_NAME-$GITHUB_SHA"; HELM_3_FILE="helm-v3.0.0-linux-amd64.tar.gz"; HELM_URL="$HELM_3_FILE"; curl -Ls "$HELM_URL" | tar xvz; mkdir -p "$GITHUB_WORKSPACE/bin"; mv linux-amd64/helm "$GITHUB_WORKSPACE/bin/helm3"; echo "::add-path::$GITHUB_WORKSPACE/bin"; echo "::set-env name=BRANCH_NAME::$BRANCH_NAME"; echo "::set-env name=IMAGE_TAG_NAME::$IMAGE_TAG_NAME";
Software Installed on Github Hosted Runners
Issue to add helm3 to Github Hosted Runners
I also needed the Google Cloud CLI, which does not come pre-installed on the runner. Google provides an official action GoogleCloudPlatform/github-actions that can be used to install and provision the gcloud cli in the runner.
- name: Install gcloud cli uses: GoogleCloudPlatform/github-actions/setup-gcloud@master with: version: '270.0.0' service_account_email: ${{ secrets.GCLOUD_SA_EMAIL }} service_account_key: ${{ secrets.GCLOUD_SA_KEY }}
The last three steps in the job configure kubectl (pre-installed on runner), update the deployment object’s container image in my k8s cluster with the new image to deploy, and check the status of the rollout.
- name: gcloud configure run: | gcloud config set project ${{secrets.GCLOUD_PROJECT_ID}}; gcloud config set compute/zone ${{secrets.GCLOUD_COMPUTE_ZONE}}; gcloud container clusters get-credentials ${{secrets.GCLOUD_CLUSTER_NAME}}; - name: deploy run: | overrides=( "image=$image_tag_name" "deployment_sha=$github_sha" "deployment_time=`tz=asia/taipei date`" ) overrides=$(for i in "${overrides[@]}"; do if [[ $branch_name == "master" ]]; then echo -n "master_$i,"; elif [[ $branch_name == "develop" ]]; then echo -n "develop_$i,"; fi done) overrides=${overrides:0:${#overrides}-1} echo "$overrides" helm3 upgrade blog ./helm \ --install \ --debug \ --reuse-values \ --set-string "$overrides" - name: Rollout Status run: kubectl rollout status "deployment/blog-$BRANCH_NAME-app"